Finding someone to buy your silver items can take some time, so you need to make sure that you look around and find the best silver dealers Friendsville has to offer. This way, you can make sure that you get the best price possible for all of your valuables.

A good buyer will carefully assess all of your things to give you an accurate understanding of how much they are worth. You can then use this information to decide what to do. Selling your silver can earn you quite a bit from the right dealer.

Kay Jewelers

64 Viewmont Mall, Scranton, PA 18508

(570) 347-6015

Kay Jewelers

228 The Mall At Steamtown, Scranton, PA 18503

(570) 343-7490

Kay Jewelers

300 Lackawanna Ave Space 228, Scranton, PA 18503

(570) 343-7490

Littman Jewelers

62 Viewmont Mall, Scranton, PA 18508

(570) 343-2188

Ross Jewelers

211 N Washington Ave, Scranton, PA 18503

(570) 346-0123

Everything Accessories

170 S Bromley Ave, Scranton, PA 18504

(570) 558-3197


430 16th Ave, Scranton, PA 18504

(570) 840-8625

Andzia's Amber Jewelry

1808 N Main Ave, Scranton, PA 18508

(570) 346-4568

Tuzan Jewelry & Gifts

100 Viewmont Mall, Scranton, PA 18508

(570) 343-7264

Tuzun Jewelry & Gifts

300 Lackawanna Ave, Scranton, PA 18503

(570) 941-9570

Empire Watchmakers & Jewelry

116 Franklin Ave, Scranton, PA 18503

(570) 342-9442

Julia Ann Brennan

1617 Jefferson Ave, Scranton, PA 18509

(570) 346-8884

Ciccotti's Jewel Case

208 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, PA 18503

(570) 343-4717

Altier Jewelers

405 Spruce St, Scranton, PA 18503

(570) 347-8700

Tactics That Successful Silver Dealers Use

Silver is a commodity. That means that any single ounce of silver is worth the same as any other ounce of silver at the same purity level. It's been used as money in a variety of cultures and silver dealers use tactics to buy and sell silver and make a profit. Here is how they do it.

Wholesale Markup

Silver dealers are in business to make money and they often do it by buying silver coins or bullion at wholesale prices. Perhaps they were able to buy a silver coin for the rock bottom price of $15. When these coins become scarce in the market, the dealer may choose to offer them to a collector. Collectors pay a higher price and remove the coins from circulation. The dealer makes a profit on the markup over the wholesale price that he paid.

Replacement Cost Price

A dealer should never sell anything for less than the cost of what it would take to replace it. That's the philosophy of most successful dealers in metals. They take the long view and buy silver when it reaches a low. Let's use the same number we used above. Say they bought an ounce for $15.

That's a good buy because the price of silver typically goes for more than that. To gain a profit, the dealer will have to hold onto the bullion until the price rises. At that point, he must sell it at a price no lower than what it would cost him to replace it. If silver has risen to $30 an ounce, he's made a tidy profit when he sells.

The first tactic requires finding the right kind of buyer in order to make a profit. The second one requires patience while waiting for the market to change. Both can be very lucrative.